Simply Being | Simple Being

Stanley and Iris….

Yesterday was glorious weather too; went over to the Chatahoochee for a walk..

Got a couple of books by Gerald Durell(‘Marrying off Mother’ and ‘Rosy is my Relative’) and James Joyce(‘The Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man’)
Pinch laughed when he saw Joyce. After my ‘Ulysses’ experience, I am trying desperately to grow up to him, somewhat redeem him in my eyes!!!
Started on ‘Marrying….’. I like ‘Fillets of Plaice’ MUCH better. Was a good buy, I think… Very very funny.

Was kinda grouchy and touchy(!) this morn… Did the Kriya and voila! Ok, not that miraculous but felt a mite better, noticeably so.

‘Stanley and Iris’ this afternoon. De Niro and Jane Fonda.
Lovely film and I am real glad I watched it. Tres bien…

The rest of the day stretches ahead… with a bit of luck and daylight, we should go to the river again this evening.