Nothing remotely esoteric about this post, contrary to what one might assume from the title, haha.

A dear family friend remarked, “Why don’t you fly business class? You can afford it, right?” I was visiting India, and we were sharing stories about flights and airports and like. The truth is, yes, I can afford to fly to India in business class. The truth, also, is that I have never done it. We generally fly economy or economy comfort (a slightly more comfortable option). I didn’t have a good answer for my friend at the time but now, I do.

Old values die hard.

I cannot get past the sticker shock of business class. Also, I am unused to the idea of paying good money for comfort. Yes, we do pay good money for comfort in many aspects of our life but sometimes “good” feels a bit too steep for my comfort. Of course, all of this is totally subjective, and I also feel that there’s a bit of “not knowing the good stuff” here, for if I really knew how comfortable flying business class is AND how much it would alleviate all the Vata aggravation I experience while flying… it’d be a no-brainer, I presume. However, until that happens, I am stuck in coach!