Simply Being | Simple Being


Like I told Pinch this morning, each day seems to be a replica of the one which went past. Rotis, rice and some sabzi… just the variations in these which characterise each day. Last evening, we went into one more of those deadlock arguments… or discussions, as Pinch would like to call them. ‘I would like to go live in India; I can’t handle talking on ration to my family; I can’t handle 20-day holidays once a year where I have to go and meet Cheecha’s family, Ship and family, my Veliyamma, not acceptable’ and from his end ‘I’ll miss this place all my life since I’ve dedicated a whole lot of effort here’…

What possible decision can one arrive at? I have tried time and again to see his POV.. like he has tried to see mine. But neither of us can actually concede to the other. Is this a curse for the first generation immigrants? I’ll probably do this all my life; forever missing my family and weighing things as India v/s USA(thankfully, that has decreased greatly!). My parents are luckier; they are confident that I am happy here and my children(when they’ll be born) will be lucky too; they won’t consider themselves as non-American, in any sense. As for me and my kind, I am reminded of Trisanku. Forever suspended between the heavens and the earth….

I started out with the original intention of posting a poem called ‘Deteriorata’ which is some kind of a spoof of ‘Desiderata’ by Max Ehrmann. ‘Desiderata’ is a completely inspiring and good-sense poem as you might read here…

Here’s the spoof.. Deteriorata. In the wake of the Iraq war, the recently reported Iraqi prisoner abuse issue and Presidential elections.. some lines make good sense..:-)


Go placidly amid the noise and waste, remembering what comfort may be found
in owning a piece thereof. Avoid quiet and passive persons unless you are in
need of sleep.

Rotate your wheels, it is what they are for.

Speak glowingly of others greater than yourself, heed well their advice
even though they be turkeys. Know what to kiss, and when.

Consider that two wrongs never make a right. However, three do.

Wherever possible put people on hold and leave for the day. Be comforted
that, in the face of all aridity and disillusionment and despite the
changing fortunes of time, there will always be a big future in computer

Remember the Alamo. Strive at all times to bend, fold, spindle and
mutilate. Know yourself. If you do not, look in the mirror – that’s you.
Exercise caution in your daily affairs, especially with those persons
closest to you. That turkey on your left for instance.

Fall not in love, it will stick to your face and smell of tuna.

Gracefully surrender the things of youth, burgers, coffee and obesity.

Hire people with hooks.

For a good time, Listen to a US foreign policy speech.

Take heart amid the deepening gloom that at least your cat is being fed
well; reflect that whatever misfortune may be your lot, at least you don’t
live in Ohio.

You are a fluke of the universe: you have no right to be here. Whether or
not you can hear it, the Universe is laughing behind your back.

Therefore make your peace with God, whether you consider him to be clown or
President of the disUnited States.

With all its hopes, dreams and McDonalds, the world will continue to

— National Lampoon
