Simply Being | Simple Being

Another contentious issue…

A couple of days back, I chanced on this programme on one of the *religious* channels on TV. A middle-aged man was standing in some kind of a park and speaking about the Bible, Christ, the Lord, salvation and like. An interested crowd had surrounded him and it looked like an active discussion was going on with questions, answers and opinions being tossed around. This guy then started talking about the entire abortion wrangle. One of the things he said went something like this,”Why should a woman punish a child for a man’s mistake? I know a woman who was raped by her husband. She chose to have the baby. How can you kill a child on some other person’s account?”

That stance struck me as purely audacious. A man has no idea or imagination whatsoever about what a woman goes through when she is raped. To suggest that a rape victim should think about life in a perspective beyond her *bad* experience and choose to bear a child out of rape and all that stuff is pure drivel, when it comes from a man. Or for that matter, any person who has not been through such a traumatising experience… On issues like these, people should reflect on what they say at least once before they speak it out.