Simply Being | Simple Being


I changed my journal’s format (again). This one employs the Disjoint format under the S1 system. Yeah, right, I have all the time in the world for dabbling in this ‘creative stuff’. Which isn’t strictly true considering that my GMAT is looming in the not-so-distant future.

Yesterday, and the day before, and the day before, were marvellous days. My morning Kriya was superb on all the days and I almost felt as if I was walking on air! I seemed to bubble with some inner drive and even Pinch was pleasantly surprised. I couldn’t help feeling mega-uppity… and last night, it almost felt as if all that enthusiasm dwindled to exhaustion and boredom. I slept very badly last night and woke up late this morning. I hate having a late start to the day; it plain pisses me off. Plus, this morning’s first RC test that I took (in a bloody long while, actually) was a total washout. I actually ran out of time; what was I thinking???!!! THAT has never happened to me before….

I need to ramp up, need to get into the ‘test-groove’ again. I can’t help being amazed at the contrast between the start of this week and now. I guess NOW is the time to judge how far I have understood Sri Sri’s philosophy of being a centred person; one who remains steady and balanced in all faces of fortune.

Btw, one of the colour codes employed under Disjoint is called Supernova. It looks fabulous; a festive medley of saffron and maroon. lalunadiosa, it reminded me of you; you’ll love it, I am sure! But I couldn’t get the text to show up in a dark enough shade; had to discard it in favour of a grey-black-white color code. Dash it!
Plus, I can’t get the userpics of any of my LJ-pals to show up.. 🙁

Thanks to 99kanitas who showed me ‘the way’….:-)