Simply Being | Simple Being

From a drop to the ocean

Throw a drop of water on a hot pan and watch it sizzle… have you ever seen the mighty ocean squirm like that? A volcano may erupt in its depths and yet not a ripple registers on the surface. Such unshakeable depth, such unruffled serenity… a wave here, a breaker there – and all is still. A perfect complement to the limitless sky above…

The experience after meditation and yoga is identical. One gets a glimpse of the quiet within – so balanced and stable it is that external events cannot even make a dent. This is no theory – it is pure experience. After I finished my yoga, Kriya and meditation yesterday, I left for work. The traffic was annoying (fairly usual for Atlanta – sigh) and there were the usual laggers – folks who drive at 30 mph, cradling their cellphone or applying makeup. Usually, I expend copious amounts of ire towards these people. However, yesterday was refreshingly different. I felt nothing. I just changed my lane and moved on. It is difficult to describe the sheer solidity of the space inside. You feel like nothing can touch you…