Simply Being | Simple Being

The Hunter

“The Hunter”

The hunter crouches in his blind
‘Neath camouflage of every kind
And conjures up a quacking noise
To lend allure to his decoys.
This grown-up man, with pluck and luck
Is hoping to outwit a duck.

— Ogden Nash


iyer_the_gr8 told me of an instance of quail hunting. Apparently, there is a park in the USA (there may be more like this one) where quail are bred for hunting. Now these birds are bred in complete captivity and can’t fly to save their lives (bad pun, I agree). Hunting means, kicking these birds out of their cages and then shooting them. It amazes me – I had no clue that hunting was still practised by people from the *civilized* world. To chase an animal/bird relentlessly with a group of other crazed companions, to home in on the helpless beast and to finally kill it – for what? Not for food, not for protection but for plain fun. And to have licenses issued for hunting – give me a break.

Below is an excerpt from the website Hunting USA.

Also, you must be accurate with your weapon. There is no point in even hunting if you don’t intend on a quick, clean kill. Anyone who intends just to wound an animal can not call themselves a hunter.

I can hardly believe that this is for real.