Simply Being | Simple Being

Smiles, laughs and guffaws…

Last night, as I dropped off to sleep, I wondered when was it that I last laughed out loud. Loud and uncontrollable… You know, the kind of irrepressible laughter that creeps up right in the middle of a serious music class or a formal lecture. Oh, the images I had to conjure up in my head just so that I could force some kind of control over myself! I’d find this incorrigible guffaw creeping up in my throat and then I’d frantically wonder: should I think of my Muttachchan(GrandDad) who died a few years back or should I try to picture some impoverished children in Dharavi? Oh God, anything to get some semblance of sobriety…

Of course, this happened many many years back. Now all I do is pass around polite smiles and snickers over sophisticated comments of sarcasm. Hmmmph!

I can picture Geetu giggling: almost-wicked, almost-guilty and so full of mirth; Mummy bursting into such helpless gusts of laughter with tears streaming down her eyes so violently that I was half-worried; Daddy’s guffaw bursting forth with his eyes closed….

Oh, how I miss my family’s mirth…