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Same sex stuff…

Same-sex marriages have suddenly popped up on the national radar and nearly everyone has an opinion on it. Frankly, there are very few issues which really make me vociferous and passionate but yes, I do have an opinion on same-sex marriages and homosexuality. I do believe that homosexuals should be treated on par with *straight* people at all levels and that a marriage between two people belonging to the same sex deserves the same respect and understanding as that between a man and a woman. For a long time, I had this self-congratulatory idea that my viewpoint was the *correct* one. Now I feel that my viewpoint is a function of my background, cultural, traditional, family, etc. purely. Had I been brought up in a strictly Catholic way (does Catholicism explicitly state that homosexuality is a sin?) I might have felt differently.

Therefore, if what I feel is purely because of the way I lived my life so far, there is no right or wrong to it. I think I’m veering towards the concept about everthing being just a perception, no blacks, no whites, all greys. Correction: I’m already there. No more patronising.

P.S. On the other hand, progresive thought, I think, should involve people to break out of these old patterns of thought, imposed by culture and upbringing, and explore the world with a new perspective.