Simply Being | Simple Being

On marriages…

Marriage is quite paradoxical in that sometimes it feels as though I have been married to Pinch forever! And at times, I can hardly believe that it didn’t happen yesterday. I can still recall that morning when we rushed to the hall in Borivili, hung around for a while till the hairdresser sauntered in. Pranced around in the traditional red saree, sat through the makeup-n-hair sessions (was tough to put that hair into a passable bun), grinned through the pictures, walked around the fire with Pinch – was fun. Of course, I was intimidated by the photographer! Who isn’t? On that day, he alone has the power to make you feel good, silly, embarassed, you name it. So much so that at the end of the reception, I grabbed my thick-rimmed glasses and put them on. Just to get rid of the entire *bride effect*. Of course, I was all dressed up anyway! 2 years later, when I glance through anyone’s wedding pics or hear about the marriage plans, I wonder ‘MAN, I’D LOVE TO GET MARRIED AGAIN’!

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Happy wedding anniversary to Pinch and me!!!