Simply Being | Simple Being

New Year prayer

The line most commonly heard these days is ‘2007 is drawing to a close’. 2007 is drawing to a close… there I said it too! Atlanta is getting some much needed inches of rain this morning. It is a gloomy day with no sign of the sun. The streets are empty and so is the office. Many people are on vacation, many are working from home – the silence is broken by the sound of keys being typed and the air-conditioning whirring on.

Last year this time, I was at the Texas Ashram. TTC Phase I was on. It was wet and chilly but within that huge room were 56 hearts beating with joy and wonder. This year has been… well, like any other one! Fun and frolic at Geetu’s wedding, our amazing temple trip in TN, my first ART Excel course with the little ones, my first YES! course with the teenagers, the awesome Guru Poornima celebrations at Pomona, learning to chant Guru Puja, meeting Guruji at Toronto… and finally, TTC Phase II at Montreal this August. What a splendid year this has been! Oh, this is the year I finally got a handle on my Pitta imbalance… thanks to the wonderful doctor from Sri Sri Ayurveda.

For 2008, I pray that everyone stays healthy and happy, our minds remain clear and uncluttered, our spirits rise and soar above the noise and dust…