Simply Being | Simple Being

I have moved…

… to another apartment, obviously. And discovered that only your own home can satisfy all your needs and wants. Maybe not. In any case, this house is larger (Thank God!) and darker(DAMN!). Moving here has made both of us all the more determined that we MUST buy a place of our own sometime soon. As of now, a random cockroach has flown in. I am not squeamish about these creepy-crawlies and therefore, I whacked the poor guy a couple of times. When I got the nerve to push a paper sheet under him (to throw him out, obviously), he started moving his legs and I lost all my nerve… Have been co-existing with him in the same room for some time now. Wonder how long…

Am very happy to introduce two of my nice friends to this part of the world… iyer_the_gr8 and aapka_apnaa, welcome… It’s nice to know how many people I have introduced to LJ!
