Simply Being | Simple Being

Circa Jan 2004…

Life has an uncanny way of creeping up on you and shaking your wits all about just when you have comfortably laid yourself out… Just when you’ve settled into your own skin and are gradually beginning to make yourself at home, feel your way about, start looking around within and sorting out the initial sensations, a whole new experience blasts its way onto your radar… and you’re forced to view it and share your space with it… and finally face the fact that your skin is changing too… and you need to fit into this new skin. After 25 years of life, all I can figure is.. it isn’t ever going to end. Every phase brings about some incident, some experience which forces me to examine life anew… and examine myself too. Then I figured it out… It was always going to happen this way. I should be prepared to find myself ever changing, ever evolving, and ever progressing, hopefully…

Amateurish, hopeful, baby….:-)