Simply Being | Simple Being

Break required, please!

I’d love to have a nice break at this point. Some years back, I had this picture of a beach. Pure white sands, waves breaking out in the distance, steady roar of the breakers in the background. And me. No Pinch, not a soul around. Just me, the sand, the soft sunshine, the pale blue cloudless skies – what joy in pure imagination! I so wanted to go to this beach. Never did.

Now I’d like to go to a green, green garden. Fresh grass stretching for miles, cool breeze blowing, just me. Sound of the wind moving between the trees, sound of silence. Time may be dusk or nearing dusk.

No people, no birds, no animals.

We have a Part II course in Atlanta over the Thanksgiving weekend. There will be the North Georgia Mountains, the lakes in Dahlonega, sweet silences, soulful satsangs, saatvik food, long walks, deep *Hollow and Empty* sessions – that should be the break I am so craving for.