Simply Being | Simple Being

Another year goes by…

Mangalyam thanthuna nena mama jeevana hetuna
Kante badhrani shubade thwam deeya sharadam shubam…

A Sanskrit verse which when translated means, a husband’s vow that by tying the “mangalyam” (sacred thread) around the wife’s neck, he is entwining his life with his wife’s.

Marriage is funny – it feels like a bond stretched over endless years and at the same time, it feels like it could have been solemnized the day before. Four years back, Pinch and I made our *tryst with destiny* – to grow old together, to be best friends, to support each other… and today, these four years have the ripe flavour of fourteen years and the freshness of fourteen days… So lovely, huh?

At times, especially when Pinch is travelling, I sometimes wonder if he is for real! I almost feel like I dreamed him up! He is like camphor – when he is gone, he leaves no trace. He and I have almost melded into one person – so seamlessly that no rough edges remain, no awkwardness remains. Yet we are not in each other’s space. Our gaze is trained not at one another but at the presence between us, our biggest blessing, our dear Guruji. It is impossible to explain but Guruji has brought us unimaginably closer to each other – by simply making us aware of who we are. How limitless, how infinite, how indescribably beautiful and grand – and in that realization, we have thanked Him again and again, together and united in our gratitude and thankfulness.

We have grown younger with each other – physically and mentally. Maybe those wedding vows need to be rephrased!

Is it hard work? Is it random? Is it good karma? Is it a blessing?

It is pure Grace.

Happy Anniversary, Pinch – I’ll gladly walk around the fire with you all over again… 🙂