Simply Being | Simple Being

A field of infinite promise and unending potential…

Just struck me this morning…

On the days that I feel my creativity surging, it pretty much ends up flowing into everything I do. It could be a new post – one that I could almost be proud of (or marvel at how it literally flowed from my mind into my fingertips on to the keyboard and to the monitor); it could be just an idea – to connect two people in a partnership that has incredible potential; to go someplace; to do something different – but my mind is a space with a continuous stream of thoughts – no random or disorganized buzz but a coherent flow – firm and strong that organizes itself with no fuss or drama. And then there are days when everything is dull and lagging, literally dragging its heels into any kind of completion. These are godawful days and I have to really labor to get through them…

I like to think of it as a huge field of thought. It’s all thought, if that is what you want to call it. A thought gives birth to a piece of writing, a piece of art, a new dance move, a piece of music, a new way to do something, implement a project – it’s all creativity, all is intelligence, pure energy. And the days that I am open, completely honest and surrendered, it all flows through me. And I am wholly connected to this incredibly beautiful field of infinite potential. And then in that wondrous space, who knows what may arise? I know that I have discovered so many skills within me… and look forward to finding so many more. I am not the only one… ☺ So many of us have stumbled upon such beauty, such intelligence and promise – where did it come from? From that awesome area of infinite potential… Just hooked ourselves to it and then waited for beauty and intelligence to flow from there…

How do we stay connected to this source?

Sadhana (Pranayaama, Sudarshan Kriya, meditation) definitely helps. For one, it clears away the little stresses and strains that cloud our vision. It literally washes our mind screen so that we can see the huge depth of field. It makes our minds supple and light, ready to grasp at that flee(t)ing spark of intelligence and intuition and RUN with it! Because, you gotta be smart and ready – this field of intelligence is unbiased, impartial. But if you don’t respect it for its unending promise, it’ll miss you. And bestow its largesse on the next attentive mind. Sadhana keeps us nimble, fresh, ever ready and agile. To take the inspiration forward, make something out of it. Compose a piece of music, write a poem, start a project – whatever you choose to make of it.

So keep your mind open, keep it young, fresh – in that state of innocence and wonder, who knows what miracles may arise? What beauty may spring forth and flow into your life and the world? The most amazing thing about it is that it’s all open and free. All you got to do is be ready to receive. Isn’t this so absolutely lovely?