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The lion flees from the deer…

Back in the days of yore, kings used to throw riddles and challenges to the court ministers and other courtiers. Maybe they really didn’t have too many other means to pass their time but as a result, we have some smart poems/riddles/whodunnit questions, whatever.

A king posed this riddle to his courtiers. Write a couplet that ends in ‘Mrugaat simhaha palaayate’ translated as ‘The lion flees from the deer’ or to be precise, ‘From the deer, the lion flees’. Such an event seemed so factually inconsistent – how to create a poem on this? Also, it had to make sense. This is what one smart guy came up with…

Kasturi jaayate kasmaat
Ko hanti karinaam shatam
Kim kuryaat kaataro yuddhe
Mrugaat simhaha palaayate

[Of what is musk born?]
[Who kills a hundred elephants?]
[What does a coward do in the midst of war?]
[From the deer, the lion flees]

To explain a li’l bit more, each word in the last line provides the answer to the respective question posed in the first three lines. Clever, huh!