Simply Being | Simple Being

Amazing Seva opportunity!

Have I mentioned about the project Art of Living Atlanta is doing with the Bhutanese refugee community in the city? About the situation with this community, here is the story. So we have been working with this group – driving lessons, assisting with vocational training, job placement – really helping them resettle here in the United States. We have conducted special Art of Living programs to help them handle the stress and anxiety caused by the resettlement. It has been a rewarding project but it’s only just begun.

I taught a YES program where we had a number of Bhutanese teens. It was good fun and the teens had a blast. Plus they got to meet other American teens in the city. We have also taught a couple of Refugee Self Empowerment and Integration Programs to these folks. As they learn and practise the Pranayaamas and Sudarshan Kriya, it is a treat to see their faces. There is such an expression of quiet calm that spreads across their features that speaks much more than words. – this is a video account of the second such course taught. is a picture slideshow from the same course. is a video account of the first program we conducted for this community.

It’s amazing to be part of such a phenomenal Seva project. I heard someone mention that this community will soon become the third largest refugee population in the United States. So, if you would like to help in any way, do let me know.