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One of my good friends has co-created this new website for kids between the ages of 4 and 10 years. It is a wonderful place where kids can develop their creative potential and create their own special designs as well as share it with others. Do check this site out and let me know your comments. Alternatively, you can send your feedback to the email address at the bottom of the post. Please feel free to circulate this info among your other friends and family members who’d be interested in trying this out. These guys are looking for all the feedback they can get…

Thanks all!

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Help make YUVA and “Play. Create. Share” household words all over the world. Forward this Press Release and URL to as many friends and family members (those with kids and even those without). Children aren’t the only ones who can have all the fun. Who knows, perhaps your drawings will make it in YUVA Studio’s Gallery of Fame.

Toronto design studio announces launch of products designed to stimulate creativity

It’s children’s day in China and Hungary and children everywhere have something new to play, create and with! Thanks to YUVA Studio, a Toronto based studio with a mandate to develop products that nurture creativity in young children.

The product design team at YUVA Studio announced today that their premier product, YUVA, is ready and available for exploration. YUVA, the root of all words meaning “young”, is an online environment, a creative playground for children aged 4 – 10 years.

Shapes are at the core of YUVA. Co-founder Jayashri Deshmukh, refers to them as “the basic alphabet of a person’s visual language”. YUVA fosters PLAY with a palette of shapes. The rich environment challenges the imagination of young artists as they merge, rotate, enlarge or flip them to create a variety of drawings. “It’s like playing with 2-D blocks to express one’s ideas. In the process of play and experimentation, a child makes a multitude of connections that unfolds the principles of pattern, design and composition.”

CREATE follows PLAY – it is a more deliberate act, one driven by intention. Using YUVA children will be able use their original drawings to create e-cards, posters, greeting cards and even custom T-shirts.

A natural step to follow CREATE is SHARE – the act of confidently showing one’s creations to others through e-cards, printouts, galleries and the YUVA Studio Merchandise store. YUVA makes this easy for children. When they send an e-card, they also solicit a response from the recipient that goes directly into the child’s “Sketchbook” – much like signing an Artist’s guestbook. YUVA will also encourage young artists to submit their drawings towards the public gallery for curated art shows.

Although YUVA’s primary audience is children who have basic computer skills, the co-founder of YUVA Studio, Parth “YUVA is actually for everyone, for all ages. There’s a child in each of us that delights in creative play. In our product tests we found that while the children were drawing trucks and birds with YUVA, their parents were designing rugs and wallpaper! The possibilities truly are endless!”

At YUVA Studio, we can all be YUVA Artists.

About YUVA Studio:
YUVA Studio ( ) designs and develops products that: foster play (with shapes), stimulate creativity, and encourage sharing. We have a “single” focus – that of creating products that fit this “Play. Create. Share.” model, based on the iterative nature of a creative process.

Contact Information:
YUVA Studio | | Play. Create. Share.
T: 416-604-6125 or 604-678-5764