Just a thought… perhaps, maybe, think about it. If we disbelieve in patterns, do they cease to exist?
So, this notion of “this way,” or this kind of habit, or this type of feeling, or “I am like this,” or “I am this personality,” and so on… Now, instead of tracing said “object” backward and forward in time and making it into a trend or pattern or personality trait, whatever… if, instead we saw it as a unique instance (instant?), then this supposed pattern would be just that, a solo point. What we call a “pattern” would simply disappear because… there isn’t one! For, each instance is unique in time, and there is nothing truly in common between the various instances, ergo, no pattern or programming.
So also, no “me,” I think? Because “me” is also a pattern.
(Trust me to come up with pretty language.)