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Tag: spirituality (page 5 of 5)

Be an Ocean

Ocean, Santa Clara

Ocean, Santa Clara

“Be like an ocean — silent, vast and undisturbed. Let all negativity wash up on your shores. Let love and wisdom reflect off your shining surface. Guide little boats and massive vessels alike onward to their destinations. Support vast ecosystems of flora, fauna, little fish, giant whales, gorgeous coral reefs, killer sharks — all forms of life. Reflect the infinite space above in all its glorious vastness and simplicity.”

Those Precious Little Clicks

You know that special moment when something makes such PERFECT sense in your head? That’s the precious little “click” I am talking about. This is not about getting an idea or figuring something out. The best way I can describe it is… Knowledge revealing itself. When it circumvents the intellect, logic, yes/no battles and plonks itself inside you, totally comfortable and rested, with no plans to move anyplace else… now that is a precious moment indeed. And then it clicks.

The best part? It is all so effortless!