Absolutely jubilant day for the Egyptians today! Can imagine everyone letting out a deep breath of relief… I think it’ll be a long path before things come back to some semblance of normalcy but at this point, we can all celebrate with the rest of the Egyptians.

As I was telling P, in India, we can, most definitely, continue to complain about the government, corruption, lack of infrastructure but seriously – it is a democracy. We have no dictator to revolt against. We have to do what we have to do. No one can say that we have no choice. It may not be the easiest choice to exercise but we do have a choice. At the end of it, having a democracy, in a way, makes you have to take responsibility. You have no one person at whose door you can lay all your grievances.

When it dawns, the excitement would have abated, and the time will be close to take decisions. Until the sun rises, the celebrations will continue. And maybe afterward as well.