Backyard Plants

Backyard Plants

This rich vegetarian has not been very lucky as far as growing plants has been concerned. The hardiest of plants have perished in my home. This summer, I took the action outside. Into the backyard, to be precise.

Basil, mint, marigold, cilantro, jasmine, zucchini!

Happy to report that all plants are thriving!

We have had some incredibly hot days in Atlanta this year. In the afternoon, I used to bring the plants indoors or move them around the backyard so they would get a breather from the onslaught of the sun. Then I started watering them multiple times during the day. Now, we have come to a gradual understanding of sorts, and as you can see, they are happy!

The jasmine hasn’t blossomed much but the branches are sprouting forth, light green in color. Waiting for the flowers to show up… 🙂

The mint used to droop heavily in the afternoon. One day, I panicked and brought it inside thinking that this one had also gone the way of other unlucky plants in this home. But it was not to be. As soon as I watered it, it perked up, all the leaves unfolded themselves, and it was upright! Maybe this sounds terribly ignorant but I had never seen this happen earlier.

And then there is the zucchini. Bursting forth into yellow blossoms that I don’t know what to do with. I know that people throw squash blossoms into salads – is it the same with zucchini blossoms? Do I expect to see these blossoms transform into zucchini?

Only time will tell. Hmm, maybe the Internet also.